Saturday, April 17, 2010

something new

SO I keep trying on new things in running, here. This is all new, and there are a million ways to do this, isn't that exciting? Today's try-on was, a "wake up and run". Before anything else, roll out of bed, struggling sleepily into stretchy things that catch on toes and elbows with eyes mostly shut, and out the door, all groggy, and probably with pillow lines all over my face, blinking away sleep and dreams...why are morning dreams always so far out?
It's sprinkling rain, BUT IT'S WARM OUT! Yeehaw!!! Spring! Yeah! Finally! So I'm doing little shinny kicks, and tapping my heels together, happy to finally see the blossoms out, the flourescent buds of the leaves on the branches that have been bare for far too long.
But , ohhh, there is that persistent pain in my right ankle that feels like a splinter of plastic found its way into the joint, and my lungs still rattle on every breath in that isn't quite deep enough to nourish the blood that needs refreshing. Whatever, it is a lovely morning, and I know that both of these piece of shit pain in the asses will pass by kilometre three. Wouldn't take back a minute of my skateboarding time to trade out this ancient ankle sprain legacy, but I am planning on keeping both feet out from under the wheels from now on; land those tricks, its the chickening out that's done this. And, anyway, all this running has eliminated the old cankles that came with the sprains and never seemed to go away...I really, truly have ankles again, pointy little corners! Whee!
I took off from the tracks at the big ball field I have never really taken a look at, and decide to take a few loops on the grass. I am struggling at this point.. lungs! I stopped at 2.5 to try and hack it out, it felt horrible, and I am noting this for the next time that smoking somehow looks like a good idea. This morning was disgusting! It hurt! I coughed until tears were squeezing out of my eyes...and for nothing, really. I just have to wait until it is done with me. That is what I get.
So, last night I didn't eat dinner. I watched art history docs, and sort of kind of worked on a research essay that seems to be physically painful for me to finish. Didn't sleep until three a.m. Then woke and thought this "wake'n'run" would be a good idea. OK, noted- it isn't my style.
The rest of the run dragged. I was so looking forward to 'my shortie' run of the week.
Oh, well.
20 tomorrow...eek!
Eat well today, sleep soundlytonight, and brek and coffee up before I go.
No more first thing runs for me!

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