Sunday, October 31, 2010

6 still in the mix

Wow, I will NEVER forget to bring water with me to a class again! It ruined me for the night.
It was a tough class, with a different instructor, Julie. She is an older lady with a really defined tummy, but it kind of looks like she has had weird sugery, with the looser kid-having skin going in weird directions. As much as I couldn't stop staring at her rock hard abs, and defined muscles, I was repulsed by the strange way it looked.
I was nervous about the water at the beginning of class, but managed to focus and worked really hard through the first half of standing postures. After that I totally melted! The class was full full full, four rows instead of three. It got so hot, and she didn't turn the fans on when we laid down for the long savasana. All I could hear were the glug glug of people drinking water, and my eyes were starting to roll. I made it to crouching firm posture or whatever its called, and that was it. The reachy reachy kneeling one, rabbit, and camel I had to sit out while I fought passing out and my eyes rolled around in my head. It was all over so fast, though, and I was happy to run away and gulp water from the tap outside as soon as Julie left the room. Came home, showered, and pased out on the couch after drinking a litre of water. Wke up thirsty at midnight and couldnt sleep. Woke up this morning thirsty and with a headache. Taxed.
I'm on my second week, now. My muscles hurt a ton. Inside of my thighs mostly, and my shoulders. Hips still feel loose, and no pain in my backass that is always bugging. I know that after this week, the soreness will go away, but it makes doing some of the postures more difficult. Some of the postures are getting easier, already, though. I still get nervous before camel, I think that the anticipation of feeling awful in camel pose is worse than feeling the pukey, crying sensation itself. It will come...maybe I will just have to start crying in class! haha! That'll never happen.

Friday, October 29, 2010

five star

Whoa, shit.
Today I don't feel so hot. Totally have PMS, which explains the crying in the bank, and the straight past pukey to sobbing tonight at camel pose. Obviously not really me sobbing in the middle of a room full of people, that would never happen. But that's what I was trying to hold in. I had a grumpy practice today. Even though I was so looking forward to it. What threw me off? Really full full class. Two little teenage fancy girls literally throwing their stuff down next to me, really close, as I was trying to relax beforehand. I went in with lots of pain today, after a full four hours of weeding and scissorhanding at my last completed winter put down garden. I was celebrating! What happened? I am consumed by crazy feelings!
Whatever, its PMS, they are feelings on the loose, and like Ghostbusters crossing streams, I just have to keep them under control. Yeah, I was aggro! haha! The lady in front of me looked at me as we were turning around for savasana near the end and I wanted to what her. I was struggling by the last standing pose, had to lay down. I hate that I struggle with triangles now! I want to easy out and do them in wrong form like half the rest of the starey bitches, but I wont, I will do little weak hipped, hardly crouching ones until my hips can hold me strong, and bring me up on their own. I could touch my fuckin forehead to my shins in straight leg, too , if I bent my back over like that one and that one and that one...hahaha...I think I might like the second row better. I couldn't see the front mirror today at all, so my only focus was the blue hairtie of the girl in front of me. Or my eyes just wandered over the rounded backs of everyone that was faking that one.
For me, though, I did well. Yes, I had to lie down at standing tree, which then threw me the angry ball that I could get rid of, but I worked hard, and thats why I had to lay down. I shook and shuddered in my muscles. My knees held me for the crouch when they are squished together and you sink down. So what if they couldn't lift me up again...well, yeah, I guess that matters. But I am getting there and getting just ended with me feeling...too much.
and now I'm home and emo...where's a good place to go to scream?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Class four!
Better than before!
Im waiting for the one where Im going to revert back to passing out. But so far, so good.
Tonight was welcome. The class was very full, mats were close together, and there were a lot already laid down when I got there. I really like the spot I had last week, back corner next to the mirror wall. But a girl was taking up a bunch of space there, her mat was way too far away from the mirror, but too close to squeeze in between, with a foot on each side. So I took the same line, one place away from mirror, onee row forward. Next to a girl who was very starey. I moved my mat up as so to stagger my mat, so we wouldn't touch hands when we were flying, and then went to pee. When I came back, she had moved her mat up, too! What a knob.
Class went great! I stretched deeply, but also paid very close attention to my form and shape. Dum-dum kept moving herself between me an the mirror, even though I purposely stood in the wrong places on my mat so that I would see myself. I used the front one instead. Went great. Laid down for the second set of leg stretches, and after almost barfing and feeling gross again trying camel. I laid down through that too. I got a little further before the barfy, though.
Feel great. Loose. Tomorrow is a break. My muscles are sore sore sore! And my poor foot. Nothing I can do for that, just go easy until it heals. I looked at a bone chart today, and it is my proximal phalange bone that has been messed since Aug.5th, only three months. Its not high up enough to be the metatarsal. Must have got it good.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Just came from class three.

The second went better. I didnt eat for three hours before again, and when I asked Emily the instructor why I might have been so passy-outy, she said that not eating for too long might be the reason! Ahhhh! I hadnt eaten again today for awhile! I went in an laid down, thinking, I cant go through all that passing out again! Then I remembered that I still had Sharkies in my bag from the marathon. I scarfed down three or four and made it through, only laying down twice...or was it thrice...whatever. I breathed harder, and without trying to be deep and regulated. I just let it rip: in through my nose, out through my nose; only not pretty flowy and timed like it sounds. Nope, I was basically panting through my nose! But it worked.
My legs would not lock for the balance poses. In all the triangles and hip benders, I had to help myself back up using my hands on my thighs cos my hips were not engaging. My knees hurt like hell, my ankles, my foot where I kicked the diving board bolt, all very sore. But I made it.
And afterwards, I felt energized. I ran a few steps and my hips felt loose in my bodybag for the first time since I was 16. I giggled and shook my knees and hips to feel it some more.

Today went better still. I made it through til the floor work. No passy-outy! I ate alot today, right up until 1.5 before. My hips still feel weak, my knees still arent locking. My foot is really sore. I can pinpoint it now, in the second last toe metatarsal. I panted through my nose again, and moved closer to the mirror on the side, I want to know my back is straight, my form is good. I want to learn these the right way, see myself progress. I loved feeling the sweat roll off me, dripping everytime I looked down, off my nose, my hair. Fingers dripping when I stand, elbows itching when they are bent. I love to sweat. I love that my heart beats like crazy, and I am barely moving. I love feeling the stretch in my tight old muscles when I hit the pose right. I am looking forward to getting bendier, but Im in no rush. I love it when I can feel that pull really deeply, like on the tendons where they connect to the bone and they havent been stimulated in so long, they are having a party when I hit their strings. I smiled alot today.

I bought a pass. I have a little keyfob now. I plan to go four times a week. Tues, Weds, Fri, Sat.
I cant wait for my next class!

no really, Im not running.

So I finished my marathon. Im done running. I set a goal and accomplished it. Good.

Its been two weeks since that finished, and I finally feel like doing some activity. But I dont feel like running. Not now. Not in the rain and wind and cold. I want to be warm and cozy and soaked cos of sweat. I dont want to not feel my toes. I dont want my cheeks to hurt.

I got a two day hot yoga pass. Ive been feeling increasingly stiff, the running is giving me strength in my muscles, but I cant stretch it out enough to feel like I wouldnt hurt myself if I bailed skating. My joints feel tight and full of stuffing, hard to bend. My hips and low back are totally jacked; sore and pinchy all the time. Im limping against my will. Only when I am actually running do they loosen up, then they go right back.

So off I went. Friday night. I let them know it was my first class and that I was nervous. The dope at the front desk laughs and tells me `thats the worst thing you can be, wait til the nausea hits!` Bitch! Ive never felt nauseous before!
I roll out my stuff, lay down and pretend Im in Mexico. Ahhhhhhhh.
I made it through the breathing exercise and some side bends. I felt sweat start running down my legs, arms, everywhere. Went for the sandwich, and thats the last thing I remember. I know that my ears went first, the room shrank or expanded, or something. The instructors voice went echoey. I couldnt see anything, and I felt sick. I crumpled up in a ball at the front of my mat, exactly where I had just been standing. I stayed there, all balled up, trying to get my head straight. She told me to roll over, lay on my back. I did.
I breathed. I waited to not feel dizzy. All around me they were doing poses I knew, I tried to get up, cos I like the eagle pose, I rock that! But I felt light when I sat up, so I laid back down. Waited. When I was sure I could stand, up I got we were tipping forward like Ts. Then we went to stand at the back corner...only my body wasnt having it, I was blacking out again, but struggling not to. I stood in the middle of my mat, and a nice lady next to me tapped my arm and showed me to the side of the mat for triangles, I zombie nodded, and moved over. I couldnt pick up my foot and move it four feet over! Ha! I was about to fall down! Echoes! Lay down. Eyes rolling around my head. Pouring sweat. Feeling it pool up in my belly button and pour out as I tried to take deep breaths. I liked that. I like to sweat. But my head would not stay on straight. I sat up, and laid back down.
Okay, now they are coming to me, on the floor. I was ready. Cobra. All over it. This crazy palm down shit. One leg, two legs, whatever, gimme something hard. The camel pose made me lightheaded again. For a minute. Made it through, but it was messy. I came out stumbling, soaked, and just put on my clothes over my wet clothes. I just wanted to get home. I felt like someone beat me up. Or I was drunk, high, or loaded. Uncomfortable and a little failed.
One thing I know for sure, though. Nothing worth doing is EASY.
So Im goin back.


I scored.

I completed my half marathon goals for the year of 2010.

I am actually not suprised that I forgot to write about it. I was when I first logged in and saw that I hadnt, but my school term is taking up all of my minutes with reading and squeezing out papers in the proper style, with no swears or words I made up in them.

It went well, it was fun. I didnt try too hard, shit I hardly tried at all, I just got through it.

It was fun to be in a different city with Carrie and Amy and Paula for this run, it would be a fun thing to do again just for that, its exciting. Left the hotel in the darkness, walked the streets a ways to the start line, realised Id forgotten my Nike+ plug in the crush of our corral. Too late! Got going and tried to keep up with Carrie and Amy for four or five blocks, waved goodbye to them when my ankles started doing their thing, cant have that starting today. Slowed right down and enjoyed the first 8k or so. Butt explosion at 9k, so glad there were 20 bathrooms all along the course! I don't remember the middle, I remember alternating between no struggle and struggle, but mostly cruised up until 17k I remember being at 16k at 9:30 and thinking, hell yeah, 5k left, I can chill out, only takes me 30 or so, right on time, but 5k takes me 30 mins when Im only running 5k! My time was 20 minutes longer than the Vancouver BMO.

So training counts!

Sweet Paula stuck it out waiting for my turtle butt and so I got pictures of me finishing! They are pretty funny.

I havent hit the road since. No desire, really.

Am I done?

Its possible, I really cant do that to my knees, its just not nice.

We'll see...

Sunday, October 10, 2010


We are behind the red hat. There I am clapping, there`s Amy`s arm, and juuust Carrie`s face above the yellow cap and sunnies.

And there I am triumphant! Trying not to cry and pass out. Finished!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

runnin sick

So I went for a ten k at what is supposed to have been race pace by the book, but I got another chest cold and it isn't quite over yet, so I just went with whatever felt good. After missing significant "training runs"and doing away completely with the speed training portion of my agenda, whatever happens, happens, and I just hope that I make it to the finish line.
Today was a beautiful running day. The sky is all blue, and the leaves are all falling. Ran down the tracks, and the end of the line near Wal-Mart looked like a tunnel through the trees. There was the dark shadow of a man on the tracks I couldn't tell whether he was coming or going. As I approached he seemed to just be standing there. I got closer and if it wasn't Mister Staggerlee, weaving and tripping two steps forward and one step back. Every third step it looked like he might fall all the way over, but he would right himself and shuffle step the other way. When I greeted him he made a joke about how fast I was going compared to his jumbly stumble, and my heart warmed to him. I wished him luck, and kept on through the tunnel to Fraser Rd. I decided that since Id been slacking on my hill and training in general to do a second lap back up the little incline fromt he highway to the tracks and back and that marked my halfway.
I got into the trail in the park by the water, and it was a yellow brick road of leaves. It looked like a place I'd never seen before and was fun to run through the piled up dry leaves a foot thick, tossing them around. The trees along the sides were decorated with christmas light orange leaves all through. The sun shone through the yellow at the edges and I busted through into it for the way back. Sun on my face and blue on my right. The music was epic as I came alongside the bay, and through the yellow grass, the seagulls were a mist above as they all turned in the sky and made for their landing, settling into a polka dot blanket on water that seemed more blue today with the sky in its eye. The song made the scene stretch out further and wrap around me, pulling me along and into it.
I felt like I was running pretty fast, getting this one over without too much effort. In the back of my mind the naysayer kept telling me that my ipod was calibrated wrong and I wasn't running as far as it said. Doesn't matter. I'm not running anyway. A seal popped out of the river with a salmon in its flipper hands and ripped off its tail right next to me, what a treat! Made a diagonal line from the water trail to my house at about 12th St. Just got home and thirsty.
When I finished running, the fountain started out of my nose. The whole run I had to breathe through my mouth, not cos I'm stuffed up, but because I have a runny nose, and I didnt want it spraying me. I coughed up a lot of shit, but I can't spit, but I tried to. Thats why I bring a bandanna. When I stopped I started to cough and didnt stop until I caught my breath back. Nut I feel even better now that its done.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

runnin scared

I havent run in a week or so, can't remember when I took the last long haul, but it nearly did me in, what a drag. My knees were toast by 13k, and all I saw on the road were dead animals. A possum, a cat, a deer, and a frog. I nearly went back for their skulls, but dont have any good chemicals to burn their flesh off.
SO close to over, though, and then the rewards. The feeling of completion, and a goal reached, and then the something new I get to do instead. The not feeling like I HAVE to run, but going because I want to, or not at all and never again, ha! In one week's time it'll be the eve of Ididthis.
Todays was hard, I feel like I might be getting sick. In my throat. Going to grab some hummous and garlic and stuff to make a super garlicky bruscetta later. Fucking vampire illness, I don't have time for you.
Heading to work now.