Thursday, April 22, 2010

anotha level

I'm green in my Nike+ world!
I've logged 250kms on that thing.
Too bad I didn't start sooner, but this is a fun change!

I've got to head out and mow like a crazy mower gone wild on the loose now, but here's a summary of today,
8kms in 55:21mins at a pace of 6:54.
So beautiful out! I did all- most all of my physio, I was about to lie, I missed two exercises.
Then walked down to the riverfront to start there. So sunny, not one cloud, except for the mess those loser snowbirds were making, it bums me out to see those jets in the sky, what a shameful waste. Lost the music but it was good, I went slow, and easy. My ankles hurt so much at the beginning, it took until 3kms for that to go away, but nothing else popped up to irritate me too much, some underarms chafeage, I have to get some Glide. My KY is causing nasty itches...haha, turns out it is some fancy kind of 'heat' stuff, but when it heats up it just makes me want to tear my arm off! Not meant for this purpose I guess.
Eagles! Seven of them overhead, and one youngster in a tree. And yes I did shout a hello eagle to each of them.