Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"fuck that was awful, why do I do this?", were my exact words upon walking through the door when I ended my run. Burping coffee and cough syrup, coughing and sniffling AGAIN, I thought the sick would be gone by today. I walked for a minute twice in the first three kms, just totally struggling, and then quit trying to be a champ at all, slowing down to a walk run shuffle grunt step for the last km. Just finish, I told myself. It was supposed to be a tempo run, but I couldn't do it. My face red and sweating buckets, I do feel a little proud now as I'm stretching it out and my distance is done for the day, but that one sucked big balls.
5.03km in 32.51 at a pace of 6:31/min.

1 comment:

  1. Quotation of the day, "That one sucked big balls!"

    LOL!!! hahahaha!! Did you forget my mom was reading.. ??? hahahaha!! I hope so.. cause I want the rough, real, and raw and nothing else. No PG here.

    LOVE YOU!!!
