Friday, March 12, 2010

one hundred blocks

Woke up hungry with the girls. Made coffee and saw them to the lobby in my Red Lion robe. Off on another adventure together! Went back up, tailored my coffee, and tried to find something on the TV to wake up to. 6:30am Seattle. Coffee ended up tasting like dirty water, no matter how much sugar I put in it. Fuck it. Back to sleep.
Made the most of the quiet no company in the room and finally got up for the shower I'd been dreaming of. Clean hair, nice smell, I went and put on my favorite tee, even though it's a, worn from light, right? It's my lucky T! 11:40, time to roll out.
Brought woolly socks, woolly cardigan, toque, and hoody. Course the sun is fkn blazing! I get my bearings and get walking. Can you believe I drew my own map of the area in my sketchy and left that in my truck? Yep. I did that.
So it turns out that the girls' shuttle ride couldn't have been more than 30 seconds, we are across the street from the airport entrance. I throw my board down and get pushing, I see a Denny's brek in my future. But my left butt is having none of it, and crimp cramps right up. Yes, today is a walking day for me, cos I hate to admit it but I overdid my running this weekend.
I am a peer pressure wuss and really had the best intentions of getting ahead so as not to get behind. But now I know, those rest days are for my knees especially. They swolled up Monday night as I stood and enjoyed the Beatnuts (When I say BEAT!, you say NUTS!, which I had a hard time shouting back, but it made me laugh).
Right, so pushing does me in...I'm punching myself in the butt for the next two blocks trying to loosen that up. I settled into the booth for a brek-sam with coffee. I'm staring, waiting for the puzzle picture to emerge from the table and "oo-ooh child" comes on...perfect. 12:50
Decided to go for a walking tour, fuck the bus, I'm going to walk the 100 blocks to my destination.
I remembered why city transit was a good idea once I'd walked 100 blocks and realised there was still 100 left to go. I wasn't going to have any feet left for skatin'!
3:16 Skatebarn West. The park was major, and it was girls skate free day. Thank grace, b/c my incredible 35 minute session ruined what was left of my knees. So fun. Smooth and fast!
3:45 Train time! Got lost on burning heels, doubling back through creepy underpasses, hemmed in by freeways, river, and railroads. Frustrating! I had wanted to get to the mall and check out some cheap gear, but I ran out of time. The train was an hour late but the ride was worth it. Crossed the border and rode along the White Rock perspective...AND THEN! went over the rickety train bridge under the sky train bridge in New West! I have loved that crazy little bridge for years!
Walk Day! Skate Day! Train Day!

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