Monday, March 22, 2010

Fuck the Man! (and bronchitis)

I couldn't wait this sickness out any longer. When the sun came out this morning, I had to go, just for a little bit. It made my lungs ache down at the bottom, and getting air through my throat wasn't easy, but it's done. Heaving and grunting, sniffling and coughing, I am on track. 29 runs to go til race day. 5.02kms in 33.51mins at a pace of 6.40min/km. Whoa.

Hey, I never showed you how I stuck it to the man with this Nike contraption! Check this out:

This is the wrong foot for the demo, but here are my $49.99 Winners Asics. I am lucky to have pretty normal feet.

Take out the sole, and just like the $149.99 Nike's...

...there's the little orange Nike+ sensor. Oh, hello, how did you get in there without me having to spend any more money than I already have? I'll tell you, but I won't take the credit, it was Michael's idea.

I took a pencil, and traced the shape of the sensor. Then I took an Xacto knife, and dug it out, in little strips. Then Michael took a dremel machine, and routed out the perfect little spot for it, smoothing out all the rubber bits I'd left shaggy. No water coming through the bottom, no change in support or feel of the shoe.
Super Pro!


  1. that guys a jack ass

  2. What guy? Was I supposed to read .. I just looked at the pictures.
