Tuesday, January 19, 2010

wo, time off

So I've missed two runs, now.
My Saturday night mission left me injured in the knees, and completely derailed by sleep deprivation. Sunday's long run was not doable. I got home, dropped my bag and slept for seven hours, ate and slept for another 10! My knees were bruised because I didnt wear my kneepads! Why! I don't know. My muscles hurt all over. The trip was a success, and it was rad to skate after such a long hiatus. But at 2 and 3 and 4 in the morning, I lost any and all composure and grace. Flopsy flailing arms and tripping over my feet. Still fun.
Monday was a rest day anyway, and I needed it!
Today I've had my runners and shorts on since I got up, but my poor knees are still swollen snap crackle pop, and there's a nasty purple bruise around my ankle that I don't feel.
I think I should just get back into my chubby chillin gear and eat chocolate and watch cooking shows. I'll get back on track tomorrow...

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