Thursday, January 7, 2010

a short, short history

OK, I am not a runner. Two years ago I could barely walk.

I have never been a runner. I hated running, always.
But I have always been somewhat athletic. Mountain biking, swimming, and skateboarding.
At 17 I broke my tailbone. Did not do any physio.
4 sprained ankles. No physio.
Various bodily pulls and strains sustained through skateboarding. No physio.
And at 23 I dislocated my hip. Still, no physio.
I developed a major limp that turned into a bent spine because I refused to use a cane, or go to physio. The result was heavy sedation and years of painfully trying to continue doing what I loved to do. Then a motorcycle accident where I pogoed off my head, flat to my back. They told me I was lucky for not breaking my neck, and sent me on my way, glad to be walking...sort of. More pain...

Three years ago I decided to ditch the drugs that were keeping me foggy, but in less pain, and get it together to do what I could for myself while my body was still young enough.

Within three months I could barely walk. I spent several days a week in bed for months. Both from the adjustment to no opiate, and the onset of the reality of the pain in my back.

It took some time. I tried to just start stretching and exercising on my own and fixing myself, and eventually made it worse. Then, 2 years ago I found a magical physiotherapist who did not tell me just to stop being active, like all the others had. He told me, " I can fix you, but you have to do exactly what I tell you to do." So I did.

It happened last December. I realised, as I was going about my business one day, that I was not in any pain. At all. Not even a little ache. For the first time in 10 years, I felt nothing.

I started running on a track with a gym friend who was training for a 5k that I didnt think I would be able to do. It started to ache, so I laid off. I kept on with physio for another 10 months, and this time I have his permission to go for it, so here we go again.

This time I think I can do it.


  1. LOVE IT!!! YAY!! High kicks for the running chicks!! GOOD NIGHT!!


  3. And look at you... you ARE doing it! I'm so impressed.

    Your pal in NYC,
