Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thurs.4K.wanted more!

I guess I should be more careful what I wish for.
Shiticane it is. River is expected to flood tonight. I really wanted to run outside today, but when I got out there after work, the wind ripped across the front of my Helly and belted me with big, hard raindrops.
I ended up back at the gym. I have to be honest: I kept rewinding the song I wanted to warm up to on my ipod. I plug it into my car when I drive, and all day back and forth to work, I was like, no, this song will be awesome to run to: rewind!
I decided that I shouldn't try to control the songs, I should let it flow, maybe another excellent song would come on after, and it would be the right song for the moment...but I think too much.
Somehow it ended up being my warmup song anyway. I got the good machine, and went to work.

Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt-The Mars Volta-8:42
Warm up- super fast walker! I was happy it was this song. I was thinking, this run has to go well, I can't bear another bad feeling run. Since Monday I have been trying to remember why the hell I am doing this.
Started the run partway through that song.

Cruisin' For A Bruisin'-The Reverend Horton Heat-3:20
I did the run 10, walk 1. The thing said I was going 5.4, really comfortable.

Cotton Fields-CCR-2:56
Cranked the speed one notch for this one. This song reminds me of my favorite mix tape ever.

Tuesday Heartbreak-Stevie Wonder-3:02
Slowed back down for this sweet one.

Mrs. Brown You've Got An Ugly Daughter-The Queers-2:48
Funny, haven't heard it for awhile.

Excellent, cranked it back up to 5.6!

Back to 5.4, had a hard time NOT skipping this song-it is not runfire stoking.

Drop Dead Legs-Van Halen-4:15
Made me smile- I will have those soon! haha.

Farts are always funny. If they aren't near me and I don't smell them.

Put It On Me-Ben Harper-3:30
Last few minutes! Cranked it up to 6.5 for the last minute and a half because I was enjoying myself. What? I know!

Ghost On The Highway-Trailer Bride-2:33
Then I didn't want to be finished, but I cooled down walked to this one.

Shove It Switch-Santigold-3:39
Made me want to run again!

Spent more time today doing some serious stretching. I am going to put more effort into my stretching. I am going to stay limber, and keep my physio work from rewinding due to tight muscles-that will ruin all of this good stuff.

Really good feeling. I needed that.


  1. yay!!!! High kicks - damn.. still stupid. just took me three times to type kicks! whoa. first try there! let's see if I can get the magic word right
