Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday, off day.

So glad to day is an off day, the rains have come for reals.
I did my daily phsyio core stuff just's been harder to get through than todays was. My mind is running off with my next weeks adventure to the Dry Spot Skatepark with the kids from the youth centre I work at! Im so excited about it!

So I'll do a little recap of my first committed training week.
I started last Sunday at the track with 10 laps. Jog 4, walk 1...or most of 1 (I got bored). I was glad to be running there again. It was a beautiful afternoon, sun and blue sky, and it felt good to run. I run really slowly by the way.

Monday I went near dark, and was all set for 12 laps but as it got dark, a shady big burly guy showed up in work boots and was walking. It was just us two, and I wasn't into it anymore, so I quit at 10.

On Tuesday I went to try the airpark, it's a loop around the Courtenay light craft airport. It runs along the river and the estuary and there's always a lot of cool birds and friendly strollers, runners, and cute dog walkers. It is a 1.8k loop. To make it the right distance, I double back at the km markers and stay on the water side the whole run. It was nice, but the straight path along the inside was boring, hence the decision to double back starting on my next run. I can't remember how I was feeling...distracted by the herons and eagles, and confused trying to figure the distances at the trailhead markers that are .7 and . this and . that...none of them just told me the whole story! I zoned out to my music and put one foot in front of the other for wasnt the easiest, I walked some. All my running to date has been warming up on a treadmill at the gym for my physio, or at the track. Concrete is new...with new consequences, apparently.

Went and bought a pedometer so I don't have to puzzle over points and miles into km from laps...

Wednesday my heels and my shins were killing me! Not to mention my quads...crouching down made me groan all day, and I have to do it alot at work. I dragged myself back to the airpark, and did 3.45, struggling along. The tide was way out, there were no lovely birds...but there were some nice doggies!

Thursday I went back to the airpark, refreshed. My stuff still ached a little, but not bad. I was a little worried that I was pushing too hard, or my shoes weren't right, or, or , or, whatever other excuse came into my mind to try to defeat me. I decided to take it easy and just listen, and if my body said ow, then Id walk. I felt good. I went for 4km, but I did have a bit of a walk every ten minutes...three walks. But the weird part is, I wasn't sore at all today. My right foot is a little crunchy, cracky...not new.

So glad for an off day, though. Heal the aches. Paula sent me a running manual, its got lots of rad info! I know now why my shoulders got sore and stiff when I ran on the treadmill, pulling back too much with my elbows! I know I do it, I didn't know I shouldn't. Thanks Paula!

OK. done for the day.


  1. YAY!! You are welcome! I am just so stoked that the three of us are doing this!! Did I tell ya the photography teacher is going to run it too?? He just did the Victoria marathon - grueling!

    I still can't believe how amazing we are!! YAY!! Slow and easy wins the race!!

  2. thats "slow and steady, wins the race". haha
