Thursday, February 25, 2010

ugh long blah blech run pew

Oh great, I can't put my pants on.
It started off well, today. Sandra, my running buddy came with me. I went the same route as last week, along the tracks. We had to climb up the bank to dodge the train just before the school, so I counted that as my first walking section. We blabbed about running stuff and I lost my breath easily. She came with me all the way to Wal-Mart, and then turned back at the 28th crossing.
The sun was out, birds were singing in the trees and it smelled nice as I went forward with my run. I came out at whatever road is after the woods and started towards the water. It looked really warm, blue, and choppy from up there. I was already bummed out I didn't bring Luke's ipod, the trees were quiet out of the woods. I located my pedometer, it had slid around to the front of my pants, where it doesn't click properly because I've got some tummy there that tips it flat. "Rollover" is the best word I can think of for the little chubby bit that comes over my fit pants. hahaha!
I went down to the waterfront and ran along whatever crescent it is there, it looked so blue out over the water in the sun...I couldn't get enough and wasn't ready for the woods just yet. Plus now my pedo was behind by a km, I wanted to add some distance onto my run.
Everything was cool up until my next walk break after the woods and boardwalk. There weren't any birds was creepy. When I came out of the woods and onto the waterfront I found out why not. A storm coming in was blowing really cold wind hard against my back, and nasty clouds were spilling over the mountain ridge to my left, cutting out the blue sky above.
At least the wind was at my back. I hadn't noticed it before in the tree shielded roadcuts I was on, now it was cold! I tried to speed up, and felt an ache in my knee. Checked the said 4.18. Boo! I don't believe it! I really felt halfway. I hoped halfway.
I was cold now, and the wind wouldn't let off. I felt like I wasn't really running, just tripping on my fast walking feet, falling forward. I took another walk break at the airpark, up to the floatplane put in. Went to run more and it just ached all over my legs...I felt done, I felt like just walking the rest...but I was still cold, and I had a lawn to mow before the rain came. It just sucked.
I tried to distract myself, talking to myself, thinking about my trip coming up soon.
The rest was torturous, but I did it...more walk breaks than usual, less sleep last night, less food in my pedo said 10.46.
Got home, stretched, went to mow a clients lawn. It hurts in weird places! I lost all my garden muscles over the winter! Holding the whacker killed my hands and arms, lifting the clippings basket tripped my spasm...oh, yeah...this is what I didnt want. Time for heavy physio, massage, whatever it takes to soothe this. I'm going to work through this somehow. There has to be a way. Two years of physio and it hurts the same all over again? I can't put weight on my right leg, it disappears like it isn't there. I fell down putting on my left pantleg...that hasn't happened in awhile and it really bums me out.

I call shenanigans!

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