Tuesday, February 23, 2010

curious run

I am glad I went. I realised tonight its been since last thursday. All my aches and overwork...and excuses.
It was drizzly and dark. I started at 6th and McPhee - the end of my street, and followed McPhee til it dead ends at the three way. I can feel how much faster the pace I can keep now is. Went up to Tull and along there until...what is it, 27th? Down 27th to Fitz., keeping up the pace, until 17th, where I just had to slow down for the sake of my hurty hip. But I didn't stop running until Cumberland Rd., then walked back home. For most of the way I was truckin'. It felt good. My butt muscles are sore now !haha!, and my heels, but whats new.
But I have no idea how far that is, and I'm tempted to drive it to find out, since it felt faar like Jamie!
Onward and upward with the feeling good vibes. Got some planning to do tomorrow, as I might not return to work next week, and start my rest stop early.

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