Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I am trying really hard to not rhyme anything with the title.
I just finished grocery shopping, after just finishing smoothing my squash soup in the magic bullet and freezing it in school sized portions. After I'd just finished putting the laundry on, cos Im out of little yoga clothes, after I got out of the shower. After I said hey to Richie Brotze who's here for a visit, after I made it home through the never fading foggy windshield, after I made it through my eighth class strong and pain free!
I fuckin did camel tonight without totally failing, and I tasted those chemicals, and I breathed them out in my loud, dragony, panting nose breaths! Out, out chemical lungs! My floor work was solid, no half stepping, or half rolling on my belly, as it is.
My standing series was...not so great. I flooped down after first triangle. I am going to have to ask about those, I don't feel like I am doing it right, it just feels awkward. Do I bend at the waist to touch my toes? I don't get the impression that I do that, but if I don't bend my back, I am stuck in the middle of the air, feeling nowhere. Yeah, I was uncomfortable as hell tonight, and it killed me. I had to chill after that until they came to me on the floor. I tried to get up for tree, cos I love tree, and I nearly blacked out. I was up for the straight leg tucked chin, forehead to knee, two feet on the ground deal, though, and I came up strong, no pushing off the thigh tonight. I am getting my quad strength back quickly. I couldn't even lay down when the world went black, since there were so many people, the triangles went all across two peoples spaces at least. I couldn't see my form in the mirror, I went back next to the door to get air.
I asked before I went in whether they were opening more classes, and she said no, and I was kind of grumpy. Then 'she' was the instructor, and she was a great instructor. I felt like she was helping me especially, since I told her how I struggled last night in the busy, full-class-heat. I tried to smile alot during class. She is a beanpole, looks like the girl who won the half in Vic. Tall, and toned muscles all over. Damn, she had tummy muscles when she was relaxing! She is in the pictures that are on the walls. I liked her voice, she was very encouraging, and there was something she said...that was in just the right...tone of voice...for it to feel like it sounded...what was time...
Anyways, I made it through, and I smiled, and I feel good. Loose still. Stronger still. Even if that is only in my head.

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