Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I scored.

I completed my half marathon goals for the year of 2010.

I am actually not suprised that I forgot to write about it. I was when I first logged in and saw that I hadnt, but my school term is taking up all of my minutes with reading and squeezing out papers in the proper style, with no swears or words I made up in them.

It went well, it was fun. I didnt try too hard, shit I hardly tried at all, I just got through it.

It was fun to be in a different city with Carrie and Amy and Paula for this run, it would be a fun thing to do again just for that, its exciting. Left the hotel in the darkness, walked the streets a ways to the start line, realised Id forgotten my Nike+ plug in the crush of our corral. Too late! Got going and tried to keep up with Carrie and Amy for four or five blocks, waved goodbye to them when my ankles started doing their thing, cant have that starting today. Slowed right down and enjoyed the first 8k or so. Butt explosion at 9k, so glad there were 20 bathrooms all along the course! I don't remember the middle, I remember alternating between no struggle and struggle, but mostly cruised up until 17k I remember being at 16k at 9:30 and thinking, hell yeah, 5k left, I can chill out, only takes me 30 or so, right on time, but 5k takes me 30 mins when Im only running 5k! My time was 20 minutes longer than the Vancouver BMO.

So training counts!

Sweet Paula stuck it out waiting for my turtle butt and so I got pictures of me finishing! They are pretty funny.

I havent hit the road since. No desire, really.

Am I done?

Its possible, I really cant do that to my knees, its just not nice.

We'll see...

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