Wednesday, September 1, 2010

not chips

So eat before I run, check.
I guess chips and a Sprite do not cut it for pre-running fare.
I hated this run. I hated how much it hurt my body, I hated how my tummy felt. I hated the way I am supposed to have planned my entire day around this stupid run, how every day has to be centered around when to eat and how to get my run in on time. I am so sick of the same places I am running. I already know I can run up six hills, the challenge is gone, and this time around there is pain on top of the strain.
I feel sick, and I have for the past hour it took me to run a measly eight kms. I made it up four hills, and I cheated the last 50meters on two of them, turned around, fuck this.
My ankles are sore from yesterday, and now they are sore again. My butt is cramped up and I am worried about being able to walk tomorrow. Have I proven whatever I was trying to prove to myself yet? I can't wait for the RVM to be over, and my goals to be completed and behind me for the year so I can just relax and do something else.
I am bored with running, being in pain again, and feeling wiped out all of the time.

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