Wednesday, July 28, 2010

so hard!

Okay, summer doesn't get any hotter, here. It's nine at night, exactly as humid as the rest of the day was. I got off work early tonight, I had every excuse not to go for my 5k tempo lined up and executing themselves through my loudspeaker. It's too hot, I worked too hard today, I already taught a skate lesson, I got my cardio chasing my mower, I sweated too much, I will dehydrate, my shoes are worn out, my feet are worn out, my knees are worn out, my toes are sore from the harsh manicure I gave myself, I'm so stiff, I'm so tiredddddddddd, I'll just add it onto tomorrow's/next day's/next week's, no biggie, I wanted to scale them back a bit anyways.
I threw some popcorn into the micro, and started planning my crawling into sleep rituals. As the corn was popping, I found myself gathering up my Ipod and armband, putting my shoes on, setting the distance, putting FU Manchu , the "Go For It" live album on to play me through, and then I was in the road, groaning, "Nooooooo, I don't wanna gooooooo."
But I was off.
It was hot.
Everything hurt.
I had no energy.
The aches and swellies came on before the first km was done.
I was tired.
My mouth was so dry.
I was so sweaty.
I hated most of it.
But I had a moment or two where I was so glad I went.
Now sitting typing and listening to the new Gwar that plays like a funny comic book in my head, I can't wait to go crawl into bed and sleep satisfied that I made my way today the hard way.
I won.
I think my popcorn tastes better for it.

1 comment:

  1. Emma won! Love you Emma!!!! Me and my bionic ankle are at sam's!! See ya soooooon! Swim!!
