Thursday, July 15, 2010

one for my homie

Harry Rag the Kinks
aw, it totally is about joints!
My head is killing me tonight from too much sun and heat. I am taking so many pills right now that I dont want to eat Advil on top of the 4 giant vitamins. More water...

I head out for my run in spite of the slight heatstroke in Paula J Fresh's honor. She is my fallen comrade and I've been sending her super good vibes all day. She is the one who got me into this in the first place, and we ran the 1/2 together in May, even though I ran in her dust! She is on her annual summer retreat in Bali, and she just had surgery this morning to get a screw put into her ankle that she busted during a longer-than-it-needed-to-be, just-for-the-love-of-running, run.

Get Stupid "Fresh" Pt1 Mantronix
I was thinking I'd go anyway, since my head can't possibly hurt as much as her foot right now, and since she would much rather be out running than in a Bali hospital, even if it does have Wifi.
I would go for both of us, and I would do my best to infuse my run with her drive and passion for it. I didn't manage to get the speed yet, was a slow start.

Let Me Roll it to Ya Wings
No offense P, but right about here, I was feeling like you were actually on my back and thinking, holy crap, Paula's heavy! I felt really sluggish and tired, and there was a great pressure around my eyes, but I kept on, I didn't slow down, I even made for the hills, cos that's what Paula would do.

Bust That Groove Stetsasonic
"Hot butter on, say what, the cornbread!"
Oh, man, I couldn't do it, I got to the bottom of the hill and turned back, the way I came. My head had a feeling like it might burst out through my eyes. I wanted to stop, but that wouldn't be fair. I kept on, not slowing down. The mechanical hand claps spurred me on. The sky was pink around the edges...I figured that was probably what my eyes looked like, too... "we did the push ups, the sit ups, the jumping jacks, and when we were through, we ran around the track! But when you smoke that crack, you run like a snail, our gym teacher told us we were going to fail, but when that test came, you know we passed, cos we're the best emcees in the whole gym class!" Smiles.

Why Can't I Forget Him Blakroc
At the fields. Feeling draggy foot. Pukey heartburn in my throat. Just ran to the beat, step to the beat. Got a catcall, woot! Stared at the trees as far ahead as I could see, the sky, the cars passing. Head. Throbbing. Things don't change, they stay the same, if you let ' keep running, Em. That thought got me out of my head, into the artists I was checking out today, grasping at that feeling of inspiration, a taste, a certain smell, so fucking vivid. I love it. Kept running.

One Armed Scissor At The Drive In
Faster song to step to. Counted out how many blocks to go, had to make a detour from the usual route to make the distance,. Conveniently chose to run past the house with the manual pad and parking block out front. I always go faster there. As much as I don't want to be seen, I do, just looking like a champ...for Paula, of course.

Bassline Mantronix
And I was done and walking past the new coffee shop back to my house. It told me my pace was 6.16! I must have been channeling my girl, cos that's faster than lately, and with a crusher of a headache. Good girl, I told myself, and came in sweatier than ever, with little twitches in my thighs that I am trying to stop by stretching and rubbing.

Aw, Paula, heal up!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Emma!! It hurts!! Am I channelling your pain! Hahaha! Love ya!!
