Saturday, May 1, 2010

16hours to the gun

I'm in the city with Paula, we are powering up for the run tomorrow.
I miss the city, especially when the sun is shining.
We went for our teeny, tiny, 3k scheduled run on False Creek along the seawall and over to the race expo, where we wound our way through past a bunch of booths to the package pickup area. It wasn't cool that they made me wind my sweaty way out along the same three aisles after getting all the way in there. I don't want to buy anything, and even cruised past all the free food and power bar samples they were doling out (very unusual for me not to want to eat anything that is free) just to get the hell out and back to the wide open outside again.
After our showers, we went out to get sushi and new headphones. I somehow crushed one of the earbuds inside of my backpack on the way home from Victoria last weekend and have been lopsided since. City sushi proper, so good! So cheap! I miss. I had a hard time deciding on which ear buds would work, I got ones that are only okay, but they were super cheap and they will do the trick.
We then took a walk over the Cambie bridge in the sun and the breeze. We got to see the blue corral they are setting up along Pacific, along where the course is, near to the finish line. We stood on the bridge looking down...visualizing tomorrow morning, finishing this...rad.
It's so nice today, but it is supposed to rain tomorrow morning. I don't care about the weather at this point, bring it. I got some gold spray paint for my shoes. Now I will rock this, my shoes are golden. My fingernails have on their first coat of neon pink this year. Shit, I'll take whatever I can get to cheer me on through this!
I'm ready.
Going to rest now.


  1. So? I need a report! How did it go!? Was thinking good thoughts for you all morning!
