Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How High?

I'm coasting on endorphins from Sunday's run! I am feeling great! I'm being that annoying pest who keeps telling you that you, too should run a marathon! You can do it, too! I know, people; I will stop soon, and thanks for humoring me so far.
The aches in my thighs have receded a little, I've taken three baths already since I got home late last night. I got a bulk sized bag of epsom salts, not realizing they were perfumed. It says lavender on the purple plastic bag, but I'm pretty sure I'm walking around, smelling like an old lady who has lost her sense of smell and has no idea that her favorite perfume that she's had for thirty years has turned sour somewhere along the way, it's shelf life expired in '82. Whoa.
But ohhhh.
I swear I can feel my muscles unscrewing! The two hour massage yesterday definitely helped. Paula and I booked in for a splurge after the race at a chi-chi Yaletown spa for an hour of sport slash relaxation massage. One hour. Exorbitant amounts of dough, but I earned it, I thought to myself. It got misread somewhere along the line, to our incredible luck, and it just went on, and on, and on...It was wonderful. I've had but one massage in my lifetime so far, so I don't have a great base for comparison, however, my first wasn't anywhere near as professional or precise in getting into every little sore corner and mooshing it out. There was the shock upon coming out of the cocoon of relaxation, with pillowface and puffy, blinky eyes, to hear that it had been two hours and the receptionist wanted me to pay up. She figured I should have noticed that the treatment was going long. I should have asked her if she had ever run 20kms in the rain! I tried not to let it undo any of the good work, and out of body calmly explained that that wouldn't be right, and I could not possibly do that. Poor Paula was stressing right out, having already paid the lady for two hours. No way. And of course, no way, we did not have to pay. SO, the universe granted me this goodness, and I am so grateful today for it.
Now I am just coasting on this wave of well being, and I hope it doesn't hit the shoreline before I get to run again next Sunday. Next Sunday! The Vancouver Sun Run!
I want to do it, but am counseled to run no more than 6k...hmmm, since when do I listen?
Wait. Am I being crazy? Have I lost the ability to be moderate?
Is this really a problem?

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