Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yoga membership ended today. I'm not sure whether to renew yet. I might have the bon chance to intern at BC Women's Hospital for a month, and I can't afford to pay for a missed month of yoga right now!
After today's 'last class' I came home and tried the first of my new at-home-video type workouts. It was a core one, and it made me cry. It could have been the fact that I'd already just worked out for an hour and a half on two cups of coffee and a brek sam and it was 5 o'clock...but it was seriously hard!
After it was over (and it went really fast!), I felt great. I couldn't keep up the whole way, which gives me a lot of room to improve and see change. I collapsed during four of them, not even halfway through the one minute of sustained motion or balancing or whatever. So I know the day that I can do the whole thing the whole way, then I am done. My sense of motivation, and commitment feels renewed. Seriously, if all I did was this one every day until June, it would be enough, I think, but there are others. A bunch of others. I hope they don't all make me cry.

I will probably still renew my yoga stuff, if not here, then wherever I end up, there are a lot of good 30 day deals. I like being able to go whenever, and I have been going a lot! I didn't make my goal of 14 out of 16 days, that I made on the 15th of March, but 12 of 16 feels pretty good, too.
Trying to rustle up some other motivators, to keep this going for me. If I wasn't in so much student debt, I think I would go buy some new gear. I have enough, though... really, it would just feel nice to switch it up and give the oldies away while they're still good.
Motivating factor is the good food I've been eating! I have lowered my monthly grocery this month, and eaten even better than last! Didn't think I could spend less than $100 and still eat as much as I have been. Thank you very much, fruit and vegetables!
Biggest motivator is Mexico in less than 90 days, I will not be wearing much more than my bikini for 7 days straight, and I intend to do it right.

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