Tuesday, August 31, 2010

eat first, then run

Went for my first run since the weekend break. What a fun weekend with my girls(and the boys)!
Had some serious trouble motivating with the crappy weather out there today. Its the first cold and blustery day since June. I am in denial still that the sun is not coming back with its full force of heat and draught to save me from fall coming and my having to go back to work mowing everyone's lawn again for the next two months.
Had my coffee and waited, actually doing house chores to avoid going out. Finally put on my running gear, first shpants day since May! Had a staff meeting to attend at the centre, so I figured I'd run there and back, the long way, as my run today, two birds, like.
Every Planet We Reach is Dead Gorillaz
Set out straight down the main street at an easy easy pace. Felt good. PMA on my back, and the shpants made me feel very Rocky-esque a few times. Did something to my ankle between racing for the light and turning into the path on the hill
When the Night Comes the Black Keys
Already my ankle was making me cry, it felt burning, like walking on a sprain that hasnt moved in four weeks, only I was running on it. This made no sense, my ankle is fine! I kept trying to run until I had such pain that I was limping. I made it to the 17th street bridge and had to walk for awhile, sure that it would ease off.
Non Zero Possibility At the Drive In
Started running to this song, down the hill on the other side of the bridge, past the boat and RV stores, looking out over the fields. So pretty.
Winters Wolves the Sword
Queen of Bees Witchcraft
I loved those two songs, but it hurt a lot to run. Kept going anyway. I made it to Ryan Rd, the long way around the bypass, then realized I hadn't yet eaten today, only had coffee. Maybe that's what was wrong!
HA! I remembered the sticky dehydrated muscles picture in my head, and obviously that carries to the rest of my body, I'm sure. Took off the headphones, paused the run and went to get some sushi! Ate it at the staff meeting and was perfectly fine on the run home after!
his was the soundtrack for the return.
Pacific Theme Broken Social Scene
Run To You Brian Adams
Harvest Neil Young
Skit Souls
Big Road Blues Canned Heat
When Things Go Wrong Canned Heat
Sorrow Evoker Sword/Witchcraft
I thought alot on the run to Shoppers about how terribly im treating my body this time around. I'm up to a 16km long run, and eating total crap! Last time around I was on a strict healthy sort of diet-not-diet, call it an energy food plan. I decided to step it up again, and went in to Shoppers to get the last vitamin on my list i'd been putting off-Iron. I even texted Paula to get the brand the pro runners use, which is silly, but, I was in an all or nothing kind of mood. The cheap ones were 60 pills for 12 bucks, I looked at them, and asked for the PROferrin(its even Pro in its name!Boy do I feel special.). I didn't look at the price or quantity, but it turns out that if I take their recommended dosage, I got ten days worth of pills for 25 bucks. Oops. SO now I am eating a billion pills every day, here's the list: Ibuprofenx2, Calciumx1, Magnesiumx1, Glucosaminex6, and Ironx3. This lady at the ice rink told me I ought to be eating Selenium as well, but I am already a little nervous about this crazy mix and feel that I should run it past a pharmacist or a naturopath before I go too far. Hmm, I've been meaning to do that for some time now...
I also am embarrassed to say I got some protein powder. Last time I was drinking boost. Same dif! So shut up! hahaha! I feel like a juicer! But I am determined to get back on top of this energy lack crisis I've stumbled into.
Onward and upward and 16kms tomorrow after lawnmowing!

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