Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Haha, I'm having an undeniable urge today, to get into a hot tub!
Yesterday I needed chocolate cake. What can ya do?
I think my body needs to sweat, now, otherwise it's holding toxins in. I guess it must be one of the more efficient ways to get them out, considering the amount of exits through the skin compared to peeing them out or what else? I don't know, my head is still reeling a bit. I slumbered with a capital S. I slept in. I dreamed bizarre and uncomfortable dreams for the third night in a row since running and woke up tense. I slept too long, now it is difficult to get things organized. The sheet of ice in the back of my truck isn't helping to motivate.
I definitely must move and soon. By that I mean not just getting my ass to work, but also to activity. I've been told to rest and not run, but I wasn't told to not move. I am going skateboarding today. And I cannot wait! I dreamed about it last night. A funny dream about just dorking around, while everyone around me was acting the pro, being hard and throwing down big tricks. My board stayed low, and I had fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! I went to street jazz and boot camp yesterday.. and yoga this morning.. I am resting tonight.. and going back to yoga tomorrow morning.. Get back to acticity.. just don't use those running muscles so much.. do other things... ya!!! YOu rock!! WE rock!! LIFE ROCKS!!
