Tuesday, September 21, 2010

night sky

I fuckin love to run at night! I forgot that I did, and was so bummed out when I looked up from reading and making notes to see that the light was gone. I slumped around and lamented missing my long run, then reevaluated and decided that I can do my long run tomorrow, and it will be better that way. I put on my gear, even though I felt cold. Pulled out the long pants, zipped up the hoody, and set my ipod to ten so that I knew I'd make seven at least. I am certain now that there is definitely something funky going on, cos I ran the hell around this town. I know now that when my ipod jumps around in my pockets, it doesn't measure right.
Leaves are sitting around the corners of the intersections, yellow and orange even in the dark, I shuffled through four piles of them before I even got down to Cliffe. Followed Cliffe all the way to the end of town, this side of Millard Park, then followed the edge of the big mall lot. Passed a number of shifty fellows sort of lurking inthe dark shadows, not really going anywhere...and then a cluster of cop cars making some bust. Halfway through the run, the air went crisp and started to ring with the clear light. The halos around the streetlights fuzzed out into the blue and I saw Jupiter sitting next to the moon. When I finally started home with the moon on my back, I remembered how much the night makes me reminisce on my late Langley walks. What is cool about Courtenay is that I get to pass through all the quiet neighborhoods in one go. The wide open, empty parking lot malls, with the leaves turning crisp and stale, still hanging on the trees at the edges. The rows of warehouse and industrial space, with its beautiful mess of detritus, twisted metals, disposed cans and springs out back and empty of all life. Then the residential suburbs, with the chimney smell of smoke adding that spooky Halloween haze to the whole neighborhood, giving the trees their spirits.
I fuckin love the nights, roaming the streets in the little towns.
But the run felt really, really long. All the way back past the back Driftwood mall, then up to Piercy, past the tracks for the straight run through to the city works yard, then up to Willemar, and back down my go-to, fifth street.
A good run. Looking forward to the full on-ness of fall.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Terry Fox is My Hero

So it felt great to run in the 30th annual Terry Fox Foundation's run this morning. Even if it started late and was so disorganized. It was enough, people showed up, and alot of money got raised. I even did my own fundraising, albeit slightly half-assed through emails and facebook, collecting $720 from about a dozen very generous donors!
I did my best to not think of Terry during the run, because I find his story so damned inspiring and amazing that it always makes me cry. I thought about my dad, and my friends and other family, who really came through and helped me feel like I did all this training for a reason. I felt ready for next month's, and this year's final run, the Royal Victoria Marathon.
What was really cute was the warm-up. I don't usually stretch before a shortie and I've never been to a run where they borrow a fitness trainer to do some preliminary stretching and bouncing and marching in place. I thought it was so cute that I got right in there in the grass and went to it with everybody else, trying to not feel like a nerd, but enjoy the cuteness. When it was done they just said, okay, GO! I started off really slow, having just received the course outline, I knew I was in for a long, long hill up to Guthrie. The good thing about htat is that is was all downhill for the way back, and much sooner than I anticipated. I thought we would be coming down Anderton, so when we turned back on Pritchard it felt little, and I started trucking! I rocked back to the marina, choosing to not do the second lap of the same route, first because I had my hopes set on one big circle route that I could find out about and use as a practice tenK later, and second, with the late start, it would take me too long to get through the run and get ready for work at noon.
I found out my Ipod is calibrated a bit off, and that will add up in the long run...ha, I've never used that so literally before! Its off by 1.45 per 5km, so that will be 6kms further than I've been training for in the final! Which is a lot of extra on my knees if every 2k I add onto my long runs causes a ton of pain every week its the first time I've added those 2k on. I will have to add alot onto my 18 this and next weekend to get up to what I am really going to be doing in Oct! But at least I found out now and not the day of the half.
And now off to work!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

fun run!

I tried to take the dog for a run on Weds. I got as far as 1.5kms and got tired of trying to keep him from speeding up so much, my arms were sore from holding the leash back, so I stopped the clock and just walked home, which was much easier, he walks great, he just runs alot faster than I like to.

Today I went for a nice six, and most of the run I thought about tomorrow's run. Woot! Terry Fox represent! I took my new route that I like for the big long hills that feel good to conquer. I saw the shortcut to the pipeline and thought about taking that for my 18k on Monday, run up to the highway and back.

Heading to bed, now. I like running more now that I am not working every day. After reading on the couch for seven hours at a stretch, it is so nice to get out and move!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

two runs

I forgot to enter my last run, a six on a new route, which was very exciting for me for a few reasons, I am super bored with my standbys, I ran hella fast, and nothing hurt! I went up to Pwerhouse, on my hill running hill, turned down it, and trucked along there. It was dark, so I went fast, little steps trying to get back to the streetlights. I am stoked that when I run it again it will all be new! When I found the streetlights, at 1st, there was a giant downhill. I raced down it and sang the whole way. I was embarrassed to get caught singing to myself by lurkers a few times. It was exactly six. And nice and different.

Today I went for a twelve, which sounds little already. It was good, I tried another new. Going straight at Fraser, along the tracks all the way past the Kubota place on the highway, and could see Royston Rd about a km in front of me when I turned around. It was tough going, though. Really uneven in the middle, and steep on the sides, so I had to watch every step. I'm glad I didnt notice a giant pile of bear crap on the way out to six, it probably would have stopped me in my tracks, it was'pretty fresh, like this morning in the rain. That sped me up and got me back to my good ole familiar even ground before too long.
playlist was great:
Aw fuck this Ipod with its shake program! Lost the rest...
Have Love Will Travel the Black Keys
I Cry Alone the Black Keys
Night of the Living Baseheads Public Enemy
the Yeti Clutch
FGT Saviours
Inititiation At the Drive-In
Death or Glory the Clash
Don't Take That Attitude to Your Grave Ben Harper
Sugar Magnolia the Grateful Dead
HIp Hop is in the Building
Brazilica Beck
Touch of Grey the Grateful Dead
A nice cooldown. and now to work with books I hope I get a chance to read for school!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ring of fire

In my ankles.
Just finished my 16km long run. In hindsight it wasn't that hard. During the run, I felt differently.
Had a bit of the ankle burn right off the bat. It didn't get as bad as usual, but it didn't go away, either. Massive knee problems. My right knee this time, I'm pretty sure that usually its my left that's funky, started ache-ting up at 3kms, pretty early on. I went a new route, I bet that helped me tune out a bit. Ran out Headquarters, up past the ice rinks and along the Veterans Parkway, to the college and back. Sweet 16.
The hill is steep, but it was okay, felt good to get to the top, kept a really slow and even pace the whole run, around 7. Then there was that gravel path all along the Parkway. I was dragging my feet a bit, and the long hill was entirely full sun. I thought there were cobwebs on my elbows, but it was sweat hanging off. Aside form my knee just hating the walking parts, like when it was time to get going again, yeah, not so bad. For a time there on the last three kms, I was wondering if there is such a thing as a bum-bra. My lower back hurt like my upper chest does if my spors bra sucks. I was laughing but I am kinda serious. Maybe it was just my backache, but...just saying. Knowing that most of the way back was downhill helped me get home. And definitely the new route. Maybe next time I'll take on Back Rd. Keep changing it up. Only three more long duck dongs. Then RVM. I cannot wait to get it over with!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

back in the game

Wow, I hated today's run, too!
I gave myself a break from running again, after my major huff last week. To be honest, I ran away from home in a frenzy of self destructive fear based mania, on a mission to obliterate my anxiety by drinking excessively and throwing my body at obstacles on my skateboard from great heights. I was absolutely successful on both counts, and might have even gotten alcohol poisoning, although I would not allow myself to throw up. That is crossing the line.
Either way, I got it out of my system just in time to begin school and a whole new routine. I went for a giant food shopping excursion and just now finished making little prepared snack bags. Four litres of soup are marinating in the slow cooker, dinner chicken is portioned and in the freezer, meals are planned, vitamins are lined up. I can't wait for school and work and homework to become a routine amended by running and yoga. I can't wait until the transition is through. There is going to be a painful adjustment, but I think the mind power I've gained from forcing myself to run through a bunch of wanting to stops will help me here.
I thought all about it as I ran with that exact same sprained feeling in my ankle that hit me at exactly the same point in my run last time that made me feel like crying and forced me to limp. I tried massaging it out. I tried yelling and swearing at it. And then I ran on it. Fuck you, ankle, this is what you get for betraying me. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...
It took me over two kms of wah-ing pain to realize what was going on. I have gotten used to running at a pretty fast pace, but since I have not been training regularly, that pace is just too fast for my weak little sticks. What a revelation! I slowed down, and after a short time, voila, no pain. Seriously, though, do you have any idea how difficult it is not to speed up? I got so bored I wanted to cry just as much. It was hard to let it go, I've lost half a minute per km, and that is just the way it is until I get back on top of this bullshit. It is so weird that I want to continue, but I do.
The last leg of my run (at a pace so slow I could have been walking quickly instead) was gorgeous. And my device told me I have logged 500kms on it, although when I plugged it in, it shows that I am 5kms shy. fuckin machine leading me on. Either way, it is a perfect time of year to run. Leaves are just beginning to change, and Im excited to be able to run anytime I feel like it instead of waiting for the night.
Almost done my list of things for today. Trying to soak up the feeling of spare time enjoyment while I still can.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

not chips

So eat before I run, check.
I guess chips and a Sprite do not cut it for pre-running fare.
I hated this run. I hated how much it hurt my body, I hated how my tummy felt. I hated the way I am supposed to have planned my entire day around this stupid run, how every day has to be centered around when to eat and how to get my run in on time. I am so sick of the same places I am running. I already know I can run up six hills, the challenge is gone, and this time around there is pain on top of the strain.
I feel sick, and I have for the past hour it took me to run a measly eight kms. I made it up four hills, and I cheated the last 50meters on two of them, turned around, fuck this.
My ankles are sore from yesterday, and now they are sore again. My butt is cramped up and I am worried about being able to walk tomorrow. Have I proven whatever I was trying to prove to myself yet? I can't wait for the RVM to be over, and my goals to be completed and behind me for the year so I can just relax and do something else.
I am bored with running, being in pain again, and feeling wiped out all of the time.